Sunday, July 29, 2007

Harvest Glory Conference Oct. 19-21, 2007

"In Search of A Queen"

Inside of every woman there is a desire to become all that she was meant to be. Queen Esther was a little orphan girl with a mighty call of God on her life. Once she put others' needs before her own she discovered her destiny. From the beginning of time, God's plan for her was to become a queen and deliverer of a nation. Before she accomplished God's purposes in her life, however, she had to prepare herself. Preparation is a word that means "to make ready in advance".
For one year Esther went through a time of preparation in the King's royal palace before she was chosen by the King of Persia, the most powerful nation on the earth at that time to become his queen. Esther did not do this alone. She had mentors in her life. One was her cousin Mordecai. As Mordecai we wish to walk beside you as, like Esther, you discover all that God has for your future.
Our jouney begins on Monday, August 20th @ 10:00AM-Noon and is open to all. We will meet at The King Arts Complex, 867 Mt. Vernon Ave. in Columbus, OH. Thereafter we will meet every other Monday for the next six months. There is no cost for this journey, but you must complete the journey in order to graduate, where we will celebrate with a banquet and graduation ceremony.
This journey is designed for "all women" as young as 17 and is for single, married and grandmothers. As "In Search of A Queen" is intended to minister to the whole person (spirit, soul & body) with the Lord's help we will attempt to establish a healthy self-esteem, share our faith and testimonies, set goals and pursue dreams. Come and be a part of this exciting adventure!
Name________________________ Age________
Address______________________ Tele#________________
City, State & Zip________________ E-mail________________
Aglow International is a non-profit non-denominational Christian organization reaching into 167 nations. Our mission statement *To help restore and mobilize women around the word. *To promote gender reconciliation in the body of Christ, as God designed. *To amplify awareness of global concerns from a biblical perspective. For any questions contact:

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Marysville Aglow

President - Dorothy Suchecki 937.747.3956
Meeting Place: Houston House
Address: 264 West 5th Street, Marysville, OH 43040
Date & Time: 1st. Thursday of the month @ 7:00PM
No charge, donations accepted

Gahanna/New Albany Aglow Outreach

President - Judi Kocher 740.344.5946
Meeting Place: Franklin Pre-Release Center
Prison Ministry
Date & Time: 1st. Saturday of the month

Mount Vernon Aglow

President - Clara Mast 740.393.3789
Meeting Place: Hospice of Knox Co.
Address: 17700 Coshocton Road, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050
Date & Time: 3rd. Thursday @ 7:00PM
No charge, donations accepted

Seaman Aglow

President - Susan Stiles 937.587.3959
Meeting Place: Seaman Community Building
Address: 17806 St. Rt. 247, Seaman, OH 45679
Date & Time: 3rd. Monday of the month @ 7:30PM
No charge, donations accepted

Plain City Aglow

President - Deborah Michalec 614.791.8483
Meeting Place: Der Dutchman Restaurant
Address: 445 South Jefferson Ave., Plain City, OH 43064
Date & Time: 3rd. Tuesday @ 7:00PM
No charge, donations accepted